$594 $294

Discover this hidden ‘spiritual poison’ stuck in your body; found in everyday foods that’s keeping you poor, anxious, depressed…
Discover this hidden ‘spiritual poison’ stuck in your body; found in everyday
foods that’s keeping you poor, anxious, depressed…
But by using this simple 30-second morning ritual, you could awaken an unbreakable, life-transforming bond with God and Christ…
Igniting your ability to manifest ANY miracle, ANY desire, with divine power…
… ending your struggles with anxiety, depression, lack, and unlocking your divine manifestation abilities...
Like flipping an INNER switch that allows you to co-create your reality with the Universe itself.
Now I know that’s a big, exciting promise. And you might be feeling a little skeptical.
Good. I CANNOT wait to reveal the undeniable truth to you.
And in just a moment, you’ll realize that
That’s why you wonder where your next paycheck is coming from.
You feel like you’re stuck in an endless rat race…
That’s how the elites keep you as a slave – holding on to their every word…
Because if there is no god…
Then these millionaires, and billionaires – become your gods, allowing them to control you effortlessly.
And these false prophets will do anything to keep you in the dark… and to stop you from realizing the true power within you, to make any prayer come true.
If you don’t believe me… the Bible says that you can create any miracle that you want.
And here’s what’s said in the bible…
Luke 17:6: He replied, “If you have faith as small as a mustard seed, you can say to this mulberry tree, 'Be uprooted and planted in the sea,' and it will obey you.
Mark 11:24: “Everything you ask for in prayer will be yours…”
You may be wondering if MIRACLES are as easy as “having faith…”
Why are you still struggling?
Even if you pray every morning and night…
Even if you go to church every Sunday…
Even if you BELIEVE with all your heart… with faith so much bigger than a mustard seed…
Why don’t you have wealth and abundance and joy beyond your wildest dreams?
It’s because…
It’s not just through prayer…
It’s not just by going to church…
It’s all hidden behind a secret ritual – used only by millionaires and billionaires in their exclusive church sermons, hidden away from the public eye.
As ‘shocking’ as this sounds… God is MUCH closer to you than you think..
And the reason why you feel that God is far from you– that he’s ‘giving you’ a tough time… and it feels that no one’s listening to your prayers… is simply because the elites have kept the real ritual that connects you to God, ALL to themselves.
You are god’s child – and your prayers WILL be answered…
And I’ll show you how you can restore your connection to god and the universe… in less than 30-seconds a day…
Allowing you to manifest all the miracles, prayers and abundance that’s within you…
And because this is top secret information…
Information that’s actually BANNED in the Catholic, and Christian Church for being too ‘powerful & controversial’ to share with the masses…
I urge you to pay close attention… because this might change everything that you know about the law of attraction, manifestation, and even ‘brain frequencies’—and how Jesus has been TELLING us…
To tell us that the power to connect to God has been within you all this time…
And the secret way to reach him in less than 30 seconds… restore your connection with God, and have ALL your prayers answered.
Possibly starting tomorrow, as you grow closer to God.
But, before I share this 30 second ritual with you… I need you to have faith that god is listening to your prayers,
And that at any moment…
He’s willing to answer all your prayers, take all the burdens off your shoulders…
That’s why, before we begin I would like you to rekindle your faith…
Because he is present with us here today… even though what you’re about to hear may change everything that you know about the church.
Most of the elites know this secret 30 second ritual, and have purified themselves of this spiritual poison… keeping this cleansing ritual high behind their church walls, and sharing it only among themselves…
This is why the Vatican… which is actually a country… had profited over $36 million in 2017.
And the Vatican’s assets grew to a colossal $5.6 billion dollars at the end of 2018…
So they can guard their connection to god… using it to manifest all the miracles in their life… and turn their intentions into almost ‘immediate’ wishes that come true…
All while making you feel like an orphan that’s been abandoned by god…
But here’s what’s truly important today…
But, before I continue…
I warn you that this story might make you feel extremely uncomfortable.
It might change everything that you know about prayer practice.I threw up almost instantly, and I felt that there were insects crawling under my skin…
But… if you stay with me to the very end…
And you have the courage to face the truth… and to see WHY the church has been hiding the “Salvation Secret” from you… that allows you to instantly connect to god… and have endless miracles in your life…
You’ll discover how easy, and effortless it is to have a torrential downpour in your life, through the power of Christ & a powerful, unbreakable, personal, and deep bond with God.
You’ll never feel alone again.
You’ll never feel that you’ll have to carry the burden of being broke, poor, stuck in terrible relationships… feeling lost in life…
Once I connected with him deeply… I saw a flood of miracles enter my life… hundreds of thousands of dollars…
Untold levels of abundance… and it’s through God’s divine graces… that I am blessed to share the powerful message with you today.
My Name Is Paul Dennis… and this journey to discover the truth began with me barely being able to make ends meet.
I was 35 at the time and my dreams of being a full-time musician were crushed. I played in the church bands – and hopped around town… with just enough money to make rent…
Most nights had me working 16 hours a day… just to cover the rising costs of my mother’s medication…
And there was one night – that truly broke my heart… after years of struggling to keep my head above water.
"I’m Sorry Paul… I’m Sorry… I’m Sorry…"
The worst part was, I felt that there was NOTHING that I could do to help her. I just stood there, feeling like the worst son in the world…
With his 58 year old single mother, breaking down, after a grueling 12 hour shift, as a cashier at a local luxury department store…
Her boss, and even her colleagues had often ridiculed her… threatening to fire her…
Because her clothes were a little torn.
And she wasn’t as well spoken as them…
She ran into her room… slamming the door, leaving her half-eaten dinner on the table…
And as I tried to go to bed that night… I just heard endless screams of pain and anguish that felt like a deep knife was piercing my heart…
After trying to open her door, and her telling me to leave me alone…
I decided to take off my hearing aid… and tried my best to fall asleep.
It was in these moments… I wondered where God was… and why this was all happening to me…
However, I kept my faith…
And God must have been watching over me, because … my Pastor that morning… said that there was a church that was looking for a good drummer to play…
They were the ‘big boys’... and my Pastor was kind enough to pay for my tickets too…
After Landing In L.A. I Was Greeted By A Sleek, Black Car & A Professional Driver That Didn’t Speak A Word…
We drove through the city, leaving the glitz of Beverly Hills behind us. Soon, the urban landscape gave way to lush greenery as we ascended into the hills….
It felt as though I was entering a secret part of town…
And soon – we veered off the tarmac, followed a long winding dirt road… drove past golf courses…
Arriving at a grand… spectacular church that was hidden behind a tall steel gate in the middle of a forest.
And as we drove up the front porch… he opened the door– and brought me to the main entrance.
It was nothing like what I had back home…
For one, the Church halls… didn’t have any old wooden benches like mine back home…
And they had a state-of-the-art sound system… and some of the best equipment in the world…
It made me wonder where they’d gotten all this money from.
As I toured the halls – looking for someone to guide me…
I saw what looked like a priest that was talking to a man holding a massive leather bag, filled with documents…
It looked like they were in a heated conversation…
And as I squinted my eyes, reading at their lips – ( a skill that I’d learned after struggling to hear for half of my life)... the priest said.
“Micheal, don’t mess this up… do you understand me. The BILLIONAIRES are coming this week. If you get it wrong… and if the lab doesn’t work – you know what’s going to happen. You are bound to us.”
That’s when the priest shoved him… and almost caused him to lose his balance…
The priest spotted me– and gestured for Michael to walk over.
“Let’s get you comfortable.– You’ll meet up with the rest of the crew backstage, but I’ll show you around this place so you get warmed up and you’re ready to play. You’ll be meeting some really important people. Hope you’re excited.”
Michael led me to the lift – that took me all the way up to the 5th floor… and handed me his keycard to open the sound control room…
Passing me his card, I fumbled the catch.
The card slipped, teetering on the edge of the narrow gap of the elevator… He lunged to grab it, he lost his grip on the stack of blueprints and sketches he'd been carrying.
The elevator was a flurry of falling papers—architectural drawings cascading around us, creating a chaotic collage on the floor.
Sketches of Jesus…
Sketches of lab work, and what looked like a full chemist lab in a church…
Academic papers – that talked about ‘population control & poisoning’...
Intricate drawings and weird symbols that were written like some kind of ‘religious’ music score… that I couldn’t understand… even as a drummer…
And his brand spanking new Rolex was tingling, and glistening in the colors seeping in from the stained glass windows, as he was picking up his papers… the watch even made this heavy ‘metal knocking’ sound…
The kind of sound when you knock two gold bars together…
And he scrambled to put these pieces of paper back together… tucking them back into his file…
Michael then introduced himself as the architect of the church… he’d been in charge of making sure that all the systems were connected – and he’d worked with the music and sound teams to create this wonderful place…
He even told me that he did some of the designs in the church too…
And as I started looking closer at the details, it was one of the most expensive rooms that I’d ever seen… state of the art equipment… hundreds of thousands of dollars went into building just this ONE room, and everything was extremely high tech.
And if I didn’t tell you like I felt like a child in a candy shop, I’d be lying…
I glazed my fingers across the surface top… pressing them to see which buttons worked… and it made all sorts of weird sounds… from really loud blaring sounds…
To really soft, subtle ‘vibration sounds’...
And they all had this ‘mesmerizing’ effect on me…
That’s when the ground shook a little… I heard a really ‘PAINFUL’ and loud creak… which sent tinnitus-like chalkboard scratching sounds into my hearing aid…
And I turned back, looking over my shoulder… and saw what looked like a chemistry lab in the back of a church. It was the exact same drawing that fell out of his bag…
His face turned pale…
During mass, they’d hear these waves, and during the performances, they’d be blessed with these elaborate rituals…
They use cutting-edge neuroscience technologies… because they all could afford it...
I know this because… I was paid to design this church… and to make this lab.
It says, “Take the finest spices of liquid… and you shall make of these a sacred anointing oil… this shall be my holy anointing oil throughout your generations.”
These elites had figured out the formula for this oil and turned it into a powder, keeping it within their own ‘generations’, from billionaire hedge fund families, to the powerful tech CEOs of today…
It’s because those that don’t have this Ritual Sacrament… will end up poor, miserable, and even violent too!
I couldn't believe the words that were coming out of his mouth.
A well-respected architect – telling me that there’s a deep church, with a sacred sacrament, that only the rich and elite consume?
That’s when he pulled out this ‘clipped out’ scientific article…
He told me that these papers proved… that the elites were poisoning you!
And each of these articles – were verified by hundreds of scientists all over the world…
From Stanford, to Harvard… and even Berkley.
And he went on to explain why I’d never heard of it…
These ‘elites’ wanted to keep us angry…and spiritually poisoned… to make sure that we weren’t able to connect with god…
He told me that…
Based on the science he’d shown me…
If I wasn’t given this ‘Ritual Sacrament’...
I’d be 10 IQ Points lower…
I’d be angry, and I would be easy to manipulate…
And it started to make sense…
This explained why I was so broke… even after trying my hardest at 35… and giving everything that I could give… simply because I’d been poisoned!
I was basically living life… as if I was some kind of brainwashed ‘puppet’ that couldn’t make any money…
It felt as though I finally FOUND the real reason I’d been struggling to take care of my mother…
Why I was so painfully broke… living in debt, with rent… all this time…
But while realizing this…
It made me SICK to my stomach… they’d been keeping us under CONTROL… since the dawn of time!
And somehow… I was lucky enough to discover this today.
That’s when he then shared that Jesus was trying to tell us – that we needed to use this Sacrament to experience miracles in our lives…
In one of the books that the church has ‘BANNED’ for being too powerful, known as the Book of Philip… Chapter 67: Verses 27-30
It says..
The Chrism (your body) is superior to baptism, for it is from the word "Chrism" that we have been called "Christians," certainly not because of the word "baptism". And it is because of the chrism that "the Christ" has his name.
This is the Kingdom of Heaven.
And more importantly…
The kingdom of heaven is within you… once you ‘remove’ this spiritual sin from your body…
And once the body is purified from this spiritual sin… that causes low IQ, anger issues… and a general sense of helplessness in your life…
You’re free to manifest everything and anything you want!
I looked at the pouch he passed me with awe… as he continued…
I couldn’t help but feel like insects were crawling under my skin… the more that he talked about this spiritual poison…
The more I was dying to find out what it was…
I wanted that freedom…
I wanted to take care of my mother…
I wanted to be able to live life on my terms…
The rich knew that everyone was going to get some ‘spiritual poison’ in their body..
It was in the food that we ate…
It was a problem… since the dawn of time… and it’s only gotten worse…
It’s in your fruits, your vegetables, it’s on your meat… it’s in the water that you drink… it’s everywhere, really!
The poorer, angrier… and more OUT of control you feel… and the more disconnected from God you become…
Because… your body gets ‘clogged up’ and the kidneys… aren’t able to ‘flush’ out this spiritual poison…
And it even crosses the blood-brain barrier….
Gets trapped in your lymph nodes…
Gets trapped in your pineal gland.. pituitary gland… messes up your sleep and hormones…
And even animals that are ‘exposed’ to these high levels of spiritual poison…
Can’t reproduce properly too!
That’s why frogs… that were ‘overloaded’ with this spiritual poison… even changed sexes!
And he told me that he would share the science with me in just a moment…
Simply put… Jesus figured this out a long time ago, and that’s why we’re here now…
It’s documented in ALL the ‘banned books’ that this congregation wants to ‘keep’ to themselves…
They were the secret ‘teachers’ that kept the real secrets that the church didn’t want you to know about…
And there’s a reason why they’re banned…
That’s because they have the formula… that you’ve gotten today in that pouch, and they don’t want to give it away… unless the rich pay them thousands and thousands of dollars in donations…
This was the 5.6 Billion dollar secret that the Vatican was keeping to themselves…
This salvation secret…
Was first discovered by the Alchemists in Egypt…
Where Jesus had gone to travel in his ‘lost’ younger years…
And what the alchemists were basically trying to do…
Was that they were finding a way to create what we now know as modern day manifestation… by purifying the mind, the body, and the soul…
Other people had figured out the prayer part…
And that’s why they focused on the body part…
This led them to look into heavy metals… they knew that there was some ‘power’ to it… they knew that it was one of the keys…
Until they’d eventually figured it out… and turned what was known as Alchemy… the ‘spirit science’... into what we now know as ‘Chemistry’...
And they found a way to ‘capture’ these ‘heavy metals’ that were stuck in your body… purifying your body… removing and almost ‘digging out’ from all the corners of your body…
So much so that it’ll even show up on a urine test.
That’s what all the notes will show you in this “S.C” book.
It was only much later… that the elites had discovered how powerful this secret would be… the power to manifest anything, anywhere, any time…
And it was later proven by modern-day science…
And the scariest part is that as you age… and as these heavy metals continue to build up… the more your body holds on to them!
Your body was never designed to ‘be exposed’ to these harsh, toxic chemicals…
And it piles up…
Like a dirty sewer pipe… filled with lead, fluoride… mercury… seeping into every part of your body.. eating into your connection with god… from the day that you were born..
More often than not…
Once the spiritual poisons are stuck in your body…
They combine with the cells in your bones… which are ‘fixed’ tissues… and it gets LODGED deep within you… making it nearly impossible to remove…
It’s like how if you ‘stop’ a child from growing up… or reading, and receiving spiritual food… Which is what this spiritual poison does… they’ll grow up thinking that they’re forever poor, broke, and angry!
And now you think that you’re powerless… and it’s impossible to make any money and manifest any wealth for yourself…
But the truth is… everything that you need…
Is in that pouch with you… and in this collection of notes everything that I’ve discovered in the church… and it has all the secrets that they’ve kept from you.
Michael said…
Yes. You just need to take this Sacrament… – it contains the church’s special formulation, and I’ve given you enough to last a month. I don’t think you should be here – you should go home. Please take one scoop of this blend every night before you sleep… and remember to pray for what you wish for.
God will answer this time.
It was a strange experience that only made sense much later…
And just before he left…
He handed me that mysterious S.C. book… he told me that it stood for ‘Soul Cleanse’. And everything else that I needed to know was inside.
“Okay… so one of these ‘powdered pouches’... once every night before I sleep.”
I took it…
Sloshed it around in some water… otherwise I’d be coughing my guts out trying to swallow this weird ‘alchemical mix’...
And chugged it down.
I felt great.
It didn’t taste great.
But I felt great.
Suddenly, a warm wave of relief came over me… and I had this urge to use the bathroom…
After that, I went to bed.
It felt like I was finally connected to him… and he asked me to pray… for what I wanted next week…
And so I did.
“I’d like to take care of my mum, I’d like to never have to worry about money… and I’d like to find the love of my life… very soon. Please?” I asked kindly.
I had this ‘gut feeling’ that it was going to take awhile…
After all…
Years of this ‘spiritual poisons’ & heavy metals had been stuck inside me…
It probably takes awhile to get it out…
So while I waited for the week to pass…
Ah so that’s what it’s doing…
These HERBS… and this ‘mix’...
It’s called CHELATION.
Micheal wrote it down in big font… so I couldn’t miss it.
It says here…
That it takes 7 days… for a full cycle of this ‘CHELATION’ to occur… okay, makes sense… check out with the vision that I had…
After that…
Things will go smoothly?
So there’s a banned ‘rituals’ section from the church… huh… this doesn’t have any ‘delivery’ or satan stuff here… why is it banned?
And then there was also a section about the ‘third eye’... and the lymph system… and timing my manifestations?
It was too much for me.
I decided to go through the 7 days…
It was a sudden scholarship ‘funding’ that came late… after being years in debt for being in music school.. one that had kept crawling and creeping up on me…
And then after that…
The magic didn’t stop there…
Because what came next… was that I was offered a gig… as a music producer… mixing the tracks for some of the top emerging artists… in my town…
And I was working on all sorts of interesting projects…
Turning my passion… into something that was bringing me over $30,000 every single month…
As for some reason… my god ‘given’ abilities were being recognized by the world…
And people couldn’t help but pay me money, hand over fist…
$50,000 here…
Another $100,000 there…
A lottery ticket that my mum had bought a week ago… led us to win a $57,000 prize too… and we had a good meal after that…
And I’m a simple guy… so I didn’t get the flashy cars…
I spent the first $20,000 repaying my debt…
Soon – I looked deeper into the notebook that Michael had given me, and I’d followed his instructions to create a lab… just like the one that I saw at church at home…
I spent another $20,000 building this lab, and another $10,000 just to get all the exotic ingredients that made up my pouch ‘drink’ that Michael made for me…
And this time I put it into a ‘pill’ form… so it was more swallowable..
And trust me, I might’ve caused a house fire a couple times.
With the money – I finally bought a dream home, where my mom and I was finally able to live comfortably, without the ceiling dripping with water.
It was a new apartment that was actually big enough for the both of us, and had a proper living room…
Couple months later… it’s safe to say..
Things are going smoothly, and everyone that I loved…
Was finally taken care of.
I was grateful that my newfound connection to god… had helped me to manifest a better home for my mum, got her out of that ‘painful’ job… and took the both of us out of abject poverty…
And gave me the opportunities to get paid for doing what I actually loved…
Realizing that my connection to god was within me all this time…
But that feeling on the airplane came back to me…
A couple years after living this ‘happy’ life…
I had this URGE… to open up the leather bound Soul Cleanse book…
I re-read his book one more time… and found another ‘secret compartment’... ‘tucked IN’ to the cover of the leather bound notebook that he’d built…
And that when I saw the line… that made my heart drop.
It was a note from Micheal…
If you’re reading this right now… it means that I’m probably gone. You, the reader of this text… this script… these notes… you are the chosen one.
I’ve planned for my word to spread beyond me ‘disappearing’ for breaking the promise that I’ve made with this church…
And I’ve lived a good life. My wife and kids are taken care of, and they don’t have to worry about anything. My parents have passed.
I’ve loved, I’ve dined… and I’ve danced. But the secret was too heavy of a weight to bear.
Please, share the word with the rest of the world. I'm glad that I’ve met you in this life, and I hope that you’ll be able to bring forth the success and prosperity that I wanted the world to have… Thank you. My legacy… rests with you, and you can publish everything that you’ve found in this manuscript.
I hope that you continue to call this formula ‘soul-cleanse’ as this is what I’d like the world to see.
That God is truly within them… and that anything is possible, once their soul is cleansed…
Thank you.
It was because he knew, and planned to expose them all this time, and he’d figured out that there was no other way…
He’d sacrificed himself for the greater good…
And now it was up to me… to share his legacy…
I was just a small town ‘kid’ that was able to stumble upon this big time secret…
And now I've gotten everything that I’d ever dreamed of…
All I needed to do was to share this with the world…
And the more I read into his S.C. leather bound masterpiece… which took me AGES, if not 3 years to decode his drawings… his symbols… and sketches…
A journey that began in 2019…
I’d realized that Michael had created a special ‘Chelation-Formula’...
That had the power to ‘suck out’ even the deepest spiritual poisons… and remove everything from lead, mercury, fluoride, and even more ‘exotic’ forms of metals such as mercury variations ,like methylmercury, and different forms of aluminum oxides that were found in vaccines…
Allowing them to be ‘urinated’ out – yes it sounds graphic… but it’s true…
I even got ‘tested’ for this.
And it did show.
Michael had perfected this secret formula…
In a way that was safe, effective… and powerful for anyone who used it… so much so that anyone could reclaim their connection to god effortlessly…
By ‘sucking out’ this spiritual poison… excreting it out of the body…
And after purifying their body…
Start to receive visions, miracles, and have their prayers answered… almost instantly… depending on how much ‘spiritual poison’ is stuck in your body, of course…
But that wasn’t all…
I knew that Michael had stumbled across some very sensitive information…
And I did everything to make sure that nothing would go back to him or his family…
And I’ve also cleaned up many of his drawings, insights, and pieces of wisdom – that he'd collected over the years… after being ‘blood bound’ to that congregation…
What’s more…
Is that in…
He reveals all sorts of interesting facts about the process of finding God within you…
And how he overflows… from within you… how he’s raised up from the base of your spine… all the way up to the top of your pineal and pituitary gland…
Where this ‘God-Molecule’ is found… and what the leading scientists are saying about this God-Particle… and how it leads to visions, prophecies, and foresights into the future…
How this God-Molecule is formed, after Soul-Cleanse(Hz) is used… and how the body must be prepared to create this ‘God-Molecule’ almost as if giving birth to a child…
A new soul… or the experience of being ‘reborn’..
Just like how I went from being a broke, partially deaf drummer…
To live the dream of my life, taking care of my mum… retiring her from that ungodly cashier job, in the dirtier parts of town…
In this highly-preserved, and scientifically verified Soul-Cleanse Manuscript…
You’ll also discover all the different ways in which ‘Spiritual Poison’ can be entering your body… and how Heavy Metals, is only just the first one of many poisons… that ‘hinder’ your manifestation powers…
These spiritual poisons… are just as easy to remove… and they don’t require anything complicated.
With this one divine connection to god… with the help of Soul-Cleanse(Hz).... and the explanations found in Michael’s Manifesto…
Everything becomes possible for you…
That child-like wonder… that daring to dream… that feeling that the world is your oyster… that you can do anything that you put your mind to…
Will suddenly come crashing back into you, and you’ll feel this sense of energy…
Energy that you’ve never felt anywhere before… a sense of excitement and wonder for life…
A sense that you’re a powerful, magnificent being…
Capable of doing things, beyond your current comprehension…
And as you get closer to god… strengthening the connection… by removing the Spiritual Poisons with Soul-Cleanse(Hz)...
You’ll begin to feel that for once…
You’re destined for greatness…
And you’ll see the lies of the ‘New Church’... slowly melting away… being free of the ‘secrets’ of the elite… and the chains that they’ve poisoned you with…
It’ll all be removed…
Purified from you…
Leaving you a free, powerful, and limitless creator and divine being that’s capable of doing anything that you put your mind to…
You’ll even see WHY the church has BANNED and forced everyone else out of the picture…
And you’ll discover the hidden truths… all nested within the world’s greatest spiritual minds…
All within Michael’s Manifesto…
And you can read it all in your free time, after taking Soul-Cleanse(Hz)...
You see… my first batch of Soul-Cleanse… had cost over $15,000 to produce…
I had to blow up my kitchen a few times…
Caused my mother some terrible stress…
But after realizing Michael’s wish…
I took it upon myself to connect with the world's brightest, and leading Chelation Experts… to verify Michael’s Formula…
And to give you the world’s most important blend…
You see…
The original Soul-Cleanse(Hz) formulation…
Went way back into the lost years of Jesus… when he first met the Egyptians and Coptics…
The original formula… that the ‘Alchemists’... had found… which turned their ‘cult-science’... into proper chemistry…
And he’d taken this rather from that Church in L.A…
And he created a proprietary blend of ingredients…
Developed the (Hz) Formulation…
Which was so powerful… that it BOUND and ‘CAUGHT’ every piece of rogue spiritual poison stuck in your body…
And these all-natural ingredients…
Were like little ‘Spiritual Bounty Hunters’...
Latching on… sacrificing themselves…
To catch on to those deep heavy metal particles…
Lodged deeply between your blood-brain barrier…
Heavy metals stuck in the marrow in your bones…
And this text… dates back to before when Jesus was born in the Mutus Libre… the first text on how you could turn lead into gold.
They’d found this substance called L-Aspartic Acid…
Which was first used in their Alchemical Experiments…
But what it contained… was that one powerful molecule… that REMOVED Lead AND All of these Heavy Chemicals from the body!
And Micheal had cracked the code!
Allowing anyone to restore their connection to the universe– thanks to this one text… the Mutus Libre, another of the banned books that the ‘billionaire’s church’ didn’t want people to know about…
And as you can see…
It CLAWS on these heavy metals…
Allowing you to finally get what you truly desire… and to live that life that you’ve dreamed of, manifesting hundreds of thousands of dollars in just a few short months…
And the (Hz) Formulation… does the painstaking work… of assaulting these ‘Heavy Metals’... binding to them…
So that these spiritual poisons are safely ‘contained’ and passed out and filtered through your kidney…
Which is then urinated out of you…
Which is why I’ve been saying that this is all a testable, verifiable scientific process….
Which makes it genius!
Most importantly, the dosage is SO strong… that you only need ONE a day… for 7 days… to see the massive effects of Soul-Cleanse(Hz). And it’s called (Hz), because it tunes you to the frequency… that’s required to connect to god…
In Genesis 2:7 The body is seen as a vessel for the soul…
And thus… Soul-Cleanse(Hz) was created, and you’ll even get a very special gift… for choosing to embark on this path of finding god within you today…
This means that when you get the 6-Month, God-Connection Package…
You’ll be blessed with a price of just $47 a bottle… and each bottle of Soul-Cleanse(Hz) has 30 capsules…
All of which are produced in an FDA approved facility…
And contain Michael’s Proprietary (Hz) Blend… made of all natural herbs, found by Alchemists… proven by scientists… to give you a Massive Spiritual Purification effect, with just one pill before you sleep every night…
And his (Hz) blend is proven to have an effect on…
Toxic metals such as arsenic, cadmium, lead, and mercury… especially those that are lodged so far deep in your bones, that even a surgical knife couldn’t pry them out…
That’s the cleansing power of what’s inside this formulation and blend…
Here’s a quick snapshot… of what the cleansing process looks like…
Iodine, Tartaric acid, L-Aspartic Acid, and Echinacea are the ingredients that go ‘digging’ for these heavy metals… and they wrap themselves around these metal molecules…
This allows the spiritual poisons to be lifted from all the deepest ‘corners’ of the body…
Helping you to gently claw out all the heavy metals deep inside your body. It could be in your bone marrow. In between your neurons, caught in your pineal gland, and your pituitary gland… and even the thalamus too…
These are the hidden ‘spots’ which Soul-Cleanse reaches into…
Pulling out these ‘nasty’ spiritual poisons that have gotten a hold of you…
Following the original New Church Formula… which includes, Milk Thistle. Nettle Leaf, Blue Vervain, Dandelion Root, and Burdock Root…
Which helps you to give a comprehensive ‘flush’ of these nasty heavy metals in the body…
This process of ‘washing out’ these metals is extremely tiring for the body… especially if you’ve got a LOT of heavy metals inside you, that’s why these ingredients will help you to increase… blood flow, lymph flow… and cerebrospinal fluid flow…
These are like the ‘sewer pipes’ of your body that help you to flush out these chemicals when you pee..
And lastly, we’ve also added Lion’s Mane… to help to undo any neurological damage that’s happened to you… as these spiritual poisons have been ‘lodged deeply’ inside you.
Lion’s Mane has supported stroke patients with ‘suffocated brains’... to aid in the natural healing process.
SImply put…
It takes out the bad stuff… and leaves your body as a pure, divine being…
And if you’re sick and tired of being disconnected to god… and not having your prayers answered… I’d highly recommend you do a full 6-month course of Soul-Cleanse(Hz)...
Simply click on the button below to buy now.
$594 $294
As it’s more expensive for us to produce each of the bottles individually.
And we’d like to give a bulk-order discount to those that decide to get a little more… to support the Soul-Cleanse(Hz) Initiative in Michael’s Honor…
That’s why I’d highly recommend you pick the six course Soul-Cleanse(Hz)... to ensure that no matter what… you’ll be deeply connected with god…
And Whether You’re Looking To Get 6 Bottles, 3
Bottles… Or Even 1 Bottle… This Will Be Included FREE For You!
Here's a sneak peak of what’s inside the subversive yet profound Book of Michael…
Did you know that there are over 14 unpublished ‘gospels’ in the world… many of them, you’ve never heard of simply because they challenge the ideas that have been presented by the ‘Old Order’... and considered too ‘powerful’ for the public to know!
What you’ve heard today… is just the ‘tip’ of the iceberg… and it runs much deeper than you think…
Again… the ‘Old Order’ doesn’t want you to know that there are other ways to gain deep spiritual knowledge… and this talks about how Carl Jung… even found out that Jesus ushered in what was called the “Age of Pisces”! And how his journey through the middle east… was one of spiritual significance… not just in the bible.. but across many sources!
WARNING: You may receive untold amounts of wealth… and you may be given a divine mission, when you start using Soul-Cleanse. Many people tell me, after trying this… that they’ve suddenly discovered their life purpose, and passion in life… and a ridiculous amount of money started pouring into their lives…
The first person to benefit from this… was me, after that it was Natalie, my Girlfriend… and after that, my mum decided to give it a shot too…
And they all somehow started ‘finding their path’ in life!
It was amazing…
And as I’ve started to run Soul-Cleanse(Hz) for longer…
“I started to hear God’s words! I felt it in my bones, I could see that life was so much brighter than what I was living… I finally felt like I had hope… the first day that I took Soul-Cleanse(Hz)... he even gave me one small miracle.. to tell me that I was on the right path!
On the 7th day… After much prayer… the big miracle came! My prayers were answered, and I got 4 new job offers, and on top of that.. a small cheque for $13,428. It’s not big money. But I’m grateful that it came. Thank you! Micheal’s Manifesto was just as mind blowing too I appreciate you taking the time to compile it!”
“I was all alone. It was a nasty fight… and the fees started to pile up over a long, drawn out 9 month fight, and she even took the kids too! It felt totally unfair, and I was putting food on the table, trying to pay off the house… while we were in the middle of this nasty fight.
During this time… my savings… started to crawl down to zero… and there were a few times that my bank account started turning negative… and then it started to snowball…
My whole life started to feel out of control, and that no one was out there to answer my prayers… but thankfully, I was able to find Soul-Cleanse(Hz). I took it immediately, and thought… Let's just give it a shot.
After the first day… I started to feel a little better. I felt that I could get up on my two feet again. I felt courage. But for me, my miracle came on the 5th day… Maybe it was because I did some of Michael’s practices. I basically manifested enough to cover the divorce fees… and the mortgage.. and THEN some! Thank you!”
“Hey Daniel. I actually did the test. They said that I had mercury, lead… and even some aluminum inside me! I’m shocked. That’s why I couldn’t manifest.
I was getting poorer by the month. And I suspected that it was the chemical spill.
You’ve confirmed my suspicions.
You’re doing God’s work. My income has doubled. Thank you for creating this powerful, potent Soul-Cleanse(Hz) formulation.”
And in the fourth section…
Will be given to you FREE… and that’s just the first few chapters of the book… and I can’t wait for you to get your hands on it… and to begin your 6 month course with Soul-Cleanse(Hz)...
This means that for any reason…
You’re not able to see the heavy metals coming out of your body…
You’re not able to feel your connection to the god within you increasing… as you read through these amazing materials…
And you’re not able to experience ANY benefits at all, from Soul-Cleanse(Hz)
I’ll personally refund you for your order, out of my own pocket and profits.
It’s important that YOU have an amazing experience, working with my brand… as I’m looking to spread the word, and help more people, restore their connection to god… just like how I did for myself…
And now…
God has been within you all this time…
He’s been waiting for you to tap into your creative potential… to go forth and multiply, and to be abundantly rich, prosperous, and effortlessly wealthy…
Bountifully rewarded for your unique skills…
Personality traits…
And gifts…
And this has been the secret within you this whole time…
Simply begin this journey into the depths of your body… and your soul’s connection to the infinite creative potential within you today…
And you’ll be ready to create the life that you want… starting tomorrow…
Once Soul-Cleanse(Hz) appears in the mail…
And as you take in the wisdom of Micheal’s Manifesto…
GIving you the keys to unlock ALL the abundance that you could EVER dream of…
Now… How long would you like your connection to god be?
Simply click on one of the payment options below…
And you’ll be taken to a secure checkout page…
I’ll see you on the inside!
$594 $294